36th Platoon 56th Eng. Leut. Walter S. Lloyd Oct.1, 1918 Herbert S. Roberts 3rd row left
Middle photo is of:
36th Platoon 56th Eng. A.E.F.
Left to right: Sgt. H.S. Roberts, Sgt. J.K. Lawler, Sgt. Walter S. Lloyd, Sgt. Leigh M. Fitch, Sgt. Mulliken, Sgt. LeRoy Sugars
The YMCA tent is seen in the background, only one window shows The shed is for auto. They have a dodge here, too. Oct. 1, 1918
Bottom Photo:
The boat that brought us home Feb. 26 to March 11, 1919
Top small photo left to right
George Cook and Sgt. Herbert S Roberts (my grandfather)
Bottom small photo: a search light crew 1918/1919
Thanks again so much to Nancy Grand Daughter of Herbert Roberts