Companies D and E (Searchlight Troops), Company F (Surveying and Ranging)
Total of 34 Officers and 772 Men
Timeline (Based on Maj. Frank Sutton’s Report) -
August 14, 1918 - Sailed From Newport News, Virginia on Str. “Nederland” at 1:00 P.M. -
August 25, 1918 - Arrived at Brest, France at 8:00 P.M. -
August 26, 1918 - Disembarked at Brest, France at 7:00 A.M. and marched to rest camp beyond Pontanezen barracks where a shelter tent camp was established. -
August 27-28, 1918 - Furnished a working detail of 400 men to the Commanding Officer of Pontanezen Barracks. Topographical survey was started in the area used by the American forces as a camp site and was never completed due to marching orders that came in. -
August 29, 1918 - Battalion entrained for Langres (hte. Marne) with the exception of three men left in the hospital. The train departed at 4:40 P.M. -
September 3, 1918 - Train arrived at Langres at 4:00 A.M. with all Officers, Men, baggage, and equipment present except for a suitcase belonging to the Chaplain.
A quantity of surveying instruments belonging to the 29th Engineers found at Brest was also delivered to the organization at Langres. - Upon arriving at Langres, 2nd Battalion ceased to exist as an organization in accordance with General Order #135 G.H.Q., A.E.F., dated August 17, 1918. The necessary transfers of personnel being made almost immediately upon arrival at Langres. - Major Frank Sutton was attached to G-2-C (Topography) G.H.Q., A.E.F. to take charge of the map Section, D.M.E. & E.S., O.C.E., Hdqrs. S.O.S., and also to investigate and report on requests for topographic surveys of areas in the S.O.S. from October 3, 1918 until at least January 13, 1918.
Thanks Brett !